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Lacrosse Unites Update to FIL

From: Ian Macleod
Date: April 12, 2015
To: Tom Hayes
Subject: Lacrosse Unites Update
Dear Mr. Hayes & Mr. Gold,
I hope all is well!
I just wanted to provide you with a brief update about Lacrosse Unites.
The kids continue to train every week and the enthusiasm for the game continues to grow. I am hoping to go back in August. I have attached a video, Jon Rathauser’s reflection about his time in Makuru and AmericaShare’s Programme info.
Warm Regards,

Lacrosse Unites Kenya Update

From: Ian Macleod Date: April 12, 2015 To: Tom Hayes Subject: Lacrosse Unites Update Dear Mr. Hayes & Mr. Gold, I hope all is well! I just wanted to provide you with a brief update about Lacrosse Unites. The kids continue to train every week and the enthusiasm for the game continues to grow. I am hoping to go back in August. I have attached a video, Jon Rathauser’s reflection about his time in Makuru and AmericaShare’s Programme info. Warm Regards, Ian Lacrosse Unites Kenya Update

From: Ian Macleod
Date: April 12, 2015
To: Tom Hayes
Subject: Lacrosse Unites Update

Dear Mr. Hayes & Mr. Gold,

I hope all is well!

I just wanted to provide you with a brief update about Lacrosse Unites.

The kids continue to train every week and the enthusiasm for the game continues to grow. I am hoping to go back in August. I have attached a video, Jon Rathauser’s reflection about his time in Makuru and AmericaShare’s Programme info.

Warm Regards,


Lacrosse Unites Kenya Update

Published on YouTube on Apr 11, 2015
Please help today!
For more information go to:

AmericaShare Kenya Photos

For more information contact:
Ian MacLeod:
Lacrosse Unites
6114 Glen Abbey Lane, Bradenton, FL, United States
+1 941-545-8570

About Lacrosse Unites!

Want to help? There are many volunteering opportunities available through Lacrosse Unites. If you want to help, or just interested feel free to contact us. Also download this itinerary for information on hour you can be a part of our next trip!Lacrosse Unites is a non-profit organization founded in 2012. We strive to better the lives of people through lacrosse.

Lacrosse Unites! Spreading the love of the game to every corner of the world, and giving hope to those that have none.

About AmericaShare

AmericaShare is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable and impoverished children and women in the Mukuru slum of Nairobi, Kenya. Through our education, community outreach and economic empowerment programmes, we seek to provide disadvantaged children and women with access to basic services in order to facilitate sustainable change.

AmericaShare helps orphaned and vulnerable children get a quality education, assists women in creating businesses to support their families, and helps to provide care for those affected by HIV/AIDS. Through the generosity of our donors, lives in the slums of Nairobi are completely transforming.

AmericaShare’s administrative costs are wholly funded by Micato Safaris, so 100% of the donations we receive go directly to the projects we support.

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