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World Lacrosse is a full supporter of WADA – the World Anti-Doping Agency. World Lacrosse has adopted WADA’s anti-doping policies and procedures for all of its events. This includes the use of the WADA Code, the five International Standards (List of Prohibited Substances and Methods, Testing, Laboratories, Therapeutic Use Exemptions, and Protection of Privacy and Personal Information) and Whereabouts Information.

World Lacrosse delegates the management of its anti-doping program to the International Testing Agency.

What is WADA?

The WADA Anti-Doping e-Learning Platform offers access to all topics related to clean sport and anti-doping. It offers courses for athletes, coaches, doctors, administrators and anyone interested in learning more about anti-doping and protecting the values of clean sport.

Clean Sport Webinar

Doping Control Process


Say No! To Doping