(TORONTO, ONTARIO) Stan Cockerton, President of the Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL), announced today, Tuesday, 22 May, that the Asia Pacific Lacrosse Union (APLU) joins Fédération Internationale d’Inter-Crosse (FIIC) to become the 2nd Allied Member of FIL.
Stan Cockerton
“We are very pleased to have the APLU join us as an Allied Member. he APLU represents several of our members in the Asia Pacific region, and while each member formally belongs to FIL in their own right, it is terrific to also have the APLU organization on board.”
—Stan Cockerton, FIL President
Led by President Mike Slattery, the APLU is continuing to expand its membership and visibility, having held the largest ever Asia Pacific Tournament (ASPACs) in Auckland, New Zealand in 2011, with 6 men’s and women’s teams participating.
The first ASPAC Tournament was held in Adelaide, Australia in 2003: This event has continued every two years since, and has visited Japan (2005), Auckland (2007 & 2011) and Korea (2009).
The membership of APLU currently comprises Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and most recently China with other countries including Thailand and India also considering membership.
Although the APLU does not currently have a website, each of its members can be found at www.filacrosee.com.
Related Links:
Australia: Australian Lacrosse Association
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Lacrosse Association
Japan: Japan Lacrosse Association
Korea: Korea Lacrosse Association
New Zealand: New Zealand Lacrosse
Thailand: Thailand Lacrosse Association