(TORONTO, CANADA) The Federation of International Lacrosse’s 2015 Guide to International Lacrosse is now available for you to read and enjoy via Issuu.
The 2015 guide provides an overview of the FIL, men’s indoor (box) lacrosse, men’s field lacrosse, and women’s field lacrosse.
Included in the 2015 guide is:
- A table showing a brief history of all lacrosse world championships events held by the FIL and it’s former federations (the International Federation of Women’s Lacrosse Associations
[IFWLA] and the men’s International Lacrosse Federation [ILF]), which merged into the FIL in August of 2008
- A table depicting upcoming FIL events.
Please enjoy the FIL 2015 Guide to International Lacrosse. Also included below is a downloadable PDF.
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About the FIL
The Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL) is the international governing body for men’s and women’s lacrosse. The FIL currently has 52 member nations and holds five World Championships (women’s and men’s field, women’s and men’s U19 field and men’s indoor.) The FIL is responsible for the governance and integrity of all forms of lacrosse and provides responsive and effective leadership to support the sports’ development throughout the world.