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Playing Rules

As the international governing body for lacrosse, World Lacrosse is responsible for the rules of men’s and women’s field, box and Sixes lacrosse. Additionally, World Lacrosse endorses rules developed for wheelchair and mixed lacrosse.

The rules for each of the disciplines are overseen by individual Rules Subcommittees, with the World Lacrosse Rules Committee chair having oversight of the change process. Member nations are invited to propose rule changes for consideration.

Men’s Field


Women’s Field


Box Lacrosse


Additional Rules


Mixed Field

Rule Changes

World Lacrosse encourages its athletes, coaches, officials and National Federations to play an active part in the creation and evolution of playing rules across all forms of the international game.

Full Members can propose new rules, changes to existing rules or seek guidance for any rule using this form.

Previous Rule Books

Archived Rules