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Event Sanctioning

Key Information


Event Hosting and Competition Manual


Anti-Doping Information


Why is a World Lacrosse Event Sanctioning Policy needed and important?

  • Creates a standard of competitions/events that all participants, spectators and sponsors can rely on. ​ 
  • Provides organizers with the foundation to deliver a successful event. ​  
  • Helps to ensure that an international event with teams representing their National Governing Bodies will:  ​ 
    • Meet minimum standards related to health, safety and security measures and hold event/competition organizers accountable 
    • Be run according to WL’s competition rules and event regulations 
    • Have the event recognized and promoted by WL​ 
    • Help to avoid calendar clashes and unnecessary drain on limited human and financial resources 
  • Establishes the rights and responsibilities of World Lacrosse, Continental Federations and NGBs to maintain and control the international calendar.​ 
  • Helps optimize lacrosse competitions/events worldwide and provides benefits for organizers and participants. 
  • Demonstrates that WL and its members have processes and procedures in place to govern the sport akin to other International Sport Federations. 
  • Overarching intent and goal are for its stakeholders (CF/NGB) and World Lacrosse to get the maximum benefits of the ES Policy.  

What events must be sanctioned?​

All ‘International Competition’ must be sanctioned. An International Event is defined as a lacrosse game, series of games or tournament involving two or more national teams representing WL members (at any level including men’s, women’s, youth). If the competition is a single, development-focused game between two teams representing WL members, it does not have to be sanctioned if the game is not promoted publicly and has less than 100 people in attendance.

*If an event organizer is uncertain if the event should be sanctioned, please submit an inquiry form. This is a brief set of questions that will assist WL in making a determination.  

If an event does not require sanction, but the event organizer wants to seek sanctioning (National Governing Body does not recognize, but does not object) would World Lacrosse sanction?

World Lacrosse will only sanction events approved by the relevant NGB and Continental Federation. NGBs may only apply for sanctioning within their territory. 

What does it mean for a team to be authorized by and represent their NGB?

Participating teams who could be reasonably perceived to be representative of an NGB but are not directly affiliated to the NGB may not use or wear the country name, logo, mascot, or other marks and/or brand of an NGB without the expressed written approval of the relevant NGB President/CEO. The country flag or primary elements of the country flag can’t be the jersey crest/primary branding or focus of a team logo. Additionally, the flag, country abbreviation, or other marks which may lead others to perceive a non-NGB affiliated team is representative of the NGB may not be used in the broadcast, communications, or other promotions of the event. 

What is the latest day that I can get sanctioned for an event?

The World Lacrosse Event Sanctioning Policy states that events must be sanctioned prior to information going out to members or the public.  

WL recommends formalizing an event a minimum of six months prior to its staging. All required information/documents must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the event.  

How do people know that an event has been sanctioned?

Responses to applications will be given by World Lacrosse in a timely manner, with an anticipated maximum 30-day turnaround.  

All sanctioned events will be included in the WL Sanctioned Events Calendar that is published on the WL website. 

Do annual events have to be submitted each year?

If there are major changes to planning/operation of annual event outside of location, organizers will need to resubmit or provide updates regarding those changes. If nothing has changed outside of dates for the next event, the sanctioning can be handled via email communication with World Lacrosse.

Who is giving the event endorsement (Continental Federation or World Lacrosse)?

World Lacrosse will provide the event sanction; World Lacrosse expects that National Governing Body applicants will have sought approval with the relevant CF prior to applying for the sanction.  

A template letter can be provided for obtaining CF endorsement prior to submission. 

What is the role of the Continental Federation in the process when National Governing Bodies are applying?

World Lacrosse expects that National Governing Body applicants will have sought approval with the relevant CF prior to applying for the sanction.

What will be required to prove National Governing Bodies are following the World Lacrosse Event Sanctioning Policy?​

Event sanctioning applications should include all details available. Upon approval, WL should be included on the distribution list for any outgoing communications regarding the event to participants or the public. 

Upon completion of the event, a post-event report (template to be provided) will be submitted by the host. This will include a checklist to confirm requirements were met.

What happens if National Governing Bodies don’t have the resources to process the World Lacrosse Event Sanctioning application and implement the policy?

The process to obtain approval is a simple online application, which should require approximately 15-20 minutes.  

Requirements for events beyond the Continental Federation championship level should not add to the workload in terms of operating events.  

Issues, questions or concerns may be raised with the World Lacrosse director of events. 

What happens if an event is run and should have been sanctioned, but wasn’t?​

Contact World Lacrosse. WL will evaluate the situation and help determine a path forward to ensure future compliance. 

What happens if there is an unforeseen or unanticipated cost that occurs due to holding a World Lacrosse sanctioned event?

WL does not foresee sanctioned event requirements, adding unreasonable cost to the planning and operation of events. If there is concern, event organizers should contact WL; WL will evaluate and assist where possible.  

Who will cover the cost of doping control during World Lacrosse sanctioned events?

If drug testing is required by WL at an event outside of a WL championship, WL bears the cost of the testing. If WL does not require testing, but the territory anti-doping organization requires testing, the cost will be deferred to the event host.  

Section 5.9 of the World Lacrosse Event Hosting & Competition Manual provides all details on anti-doping requirements.  

What flexibility is there in modifications of the playing rules under the World Lacrosse Event Sanctioning Policy?​

Wherever possible, full WL rules should be used, however slight modifications can be made concerning field dimensions, team numbers, etc. Where participant safety or competition integrity is concerned, rules should be followed explicitly. 

What flexibility is there in adhering to the World Lacrosse Athlete Eligibility Criteria Policy? 

Wherever possible, the WL Athlete Eligibility Criteria Policy should be followed. For events beyond Continental Federation championship level, flexibility will be allowed to encourage participation where needed.  

Does World Lacrosse require event insurance?

WL does not require a specific level of event insurance. Depending on the level of the event, there is a requirement of assurance for the host and participants. 

WL is not offering a medical insurance plan for sanctioned events. WL does not mandate minimum liability or sports action policy for organizers. However, it will be expected that the host does have at minimum medical requirements and safeguards in place for athlete safety. 

What are the fees to sanction an event and when will these apply? 

Sanctioning fees will not apply in the first year (2024). Beginning in 2025, the following fee structure will be implemented: 

  • World championships: Determined by hosting contract 
  • Continental championships and world championship qualifying events: No fee 
  • International events:  
    • More than three countries: US$250 
    • All other sanctioned events: US$100 

What are the penalties if an event is not sanctioned that requires it? 

Penalties will not apply in the first year (2024); it is a one-year grace period. 

Beginning in 2025, a four-year cycle begins (2025-28) with the following penalties accruing: 

  • First instance: Warning and reprimand 
  • Second instance: US$500 fine 
  • Third instance: US$1,500 fine and suspension of member rights for six months 
  • Fourth instance or repeated violations: Potential expulsion subject to WL disciplinary procedures 

When is the World Lacrosse Sanctioned Events Calendar released for the year?​

The planned release date is February 1 for the annual calendar of events. The calendar will evolve with events as they are added. At the beginning of the cycle, a four-year calendar will also be released of the major championships for WL. 

WL’s intention is to hold a calendar congress in the future to be able to better coordinate opportunities and events. WL is planning to survey members about timing of events and team formation to ensure events are held at appropriate times and information is released in an efficient and effective manner. 

What is the four-year cycle?​

2024 will be the initial year of the World Lacrosse Event Sanctioning Policy with no penalties imposed during that grace period.  

The first four-year event sanctioning cycle will be 2025-28. That is the timeframe used when establishing a calendar congress and for the implementation of consecutive penalties.  

In 2029, any penalties accrued will be wiped clean and a new four-year cycle begins. 

Application Form

Type of Event(Required)
International Event is defined a lacrosse game, series of games or tournament involving two or more teams representing WL members. If the competition is a single, development-focused game between two teams representing WL members, it does not have to be sanctioned if the game is not promoted publicly and has less than 100 people in attendance.
Has the relevant NGB been notified?
Has the relevant CF been notified?
Discipline (select all that apply)(Required)
Please provide City-State/Country and Venue(s)
Estimate minimum/maximum per discipline indicated below. If the event is only viable based on a minimum number of teams, please note. Please refer to the FAQ regarding teams being authorized by and representing their NGB. Event organizers are required to have any NGB authorizations needed on file and shall share them with WL upon request.
Please indicate if teams will be required to follow the WL Athlete Eligibility Criteria Policy and how the event will verify if so.
Does the venue have facilities to conduct anti-doping activities (if required)?(Required)
Is the cost of doping control (~US$1000/test) built into the operating budget?(Required)
Will World Lacrosse Accredited Officials be used?(Required)
Will the cost of officials' travel, accommodations and meals be covered by the event?(Required)

Inquiry Form

This form should be used to submit interest and/or inquiry regarding WL sanctioning of an upcoming event. 

If an event organizer is uncertain if an event should be sanctioned, the answers will help WL make that determination. 

Type of Event(Required)
International Event is defined a lacrosse game, series of games or tournament involving two or more teams representing WL members. If the competition is a single, development-focused game between two teams representing WL members, it does not have to be sanctioned if the game is not promoted publicly and has less than 100 people in attendance.
Proposed Discipline(s)(Required)
Will there be more than one team representing a WL member participating in this event?(Required)
If using specific dates, please enter DD/MM/YYYY format.
Proposed City-State/Country, Venue(s), Organizing Committee Details, Financial, Projected Participants, etc.